Hello from Kenya and thank you to all who have joined us in prayer for MCCH during the month of July! The USA team arrived in Kenya roughly 20 hours later than anticipated due to delayed flights and issues with airlines, but the extra time and effort was immediately worth it when we entered the MCCH compound to Mescal's Kids greeting us with songs, flowers, and hugs!
Since arriving in Kenya, the USA team has had the privilege of spending unhurried, quality time with Mescal's Kids who are enjoying a week-long break from school. Though there is much to be done for the remainder of the visit, being present with the children, our Kenyan ministry partners, and friends is taking priority over everything else. Saturday and Sunday consisted of a tour of the completed school building, a worship service held at the MCCH compound, and jump-roping, frisbee-throwing, board-game-playing fun! Worship, prayer, and time in God's Word are daily rhythms at MCCH, so one of the biggest blessings for the USA team has been joining in with the ongoing spirit of this place that is focused on exalting Jesus.
As the week progresses, please be in continued prayer for all of the remaining preparation taking place surrounding the opening of Mescal's Christian Academy. We can't wait to share pictures, videos, and testimonies of what God is doing through this dream that has become a reality, and we know that the Lord has big things in store for the Luanda community as the school creates a platform to share Christ with vulnerable children and their families. Bwana Asifiwe (praise the Lord) for the great things He is doing in and through MCCH! As we sang in evening devotions tonight, Jesus truly is a Way Maker, Miracle-Worker, Promise-Keeper, and Light in the darkness for all those who trust in Him.
**It's not too late to join in with our MCCH prayer emphasis for the month of July! Download the daily prayer guide here.