As the first cases of COVID-19 appeared in Kenya in mid-March, the government took quick and aggressive action to close off the country to outside travel and shut down all public places and gatherings. Public health officials came to the MCCH compound unexpectedly and told our staff that all of the children would have to return to their guardian homes for an undetermined amount of time to limit the spread of the virus. Immediately, believers in Kenya and the United States began earnestly praying that the Lord would make a way for the children to stay at Mescal's where they would be safe and well-protected. After several days of the children being in their guardian homes, the Lord turned the hearts of the government officials to allow the children to return to Mescal's!

Traditional classes may not be taking place in Kenya right now, but that doesn’t mean school has stopped! Each day the children spend time working on their lessons, as well as watching grade-level instructional videos that are being broadcasted nationwide over select television stations. Our students are working hard and are being guided, supported, and tutored by the amazing staff the Lord has put in place at Mescal’s.
Thank you Ruth, Steven, and many more for the way you serve these precious kids!
During the COVID- 19 crisis, MCCH leaders have been prayerfully seeking the Lord for wisdom regarding the best ways to love and serve their community while keeping the children and staff safe.
Long time MCCH church partner, Frazer United Methodist Church, located in Montgomery, Alabama, blessed MCCH and all of its missions partners by doubling their monthly financial support in the month of May. This generous action prompted MCCH to serve the Luanda community through providing extra monthly financial support to our guardian homes while the pandemic continues (read more about our Guardianship Program here). In addition to serving our guardian homes, MCCH has been able to purchase food and supplies to distribute to approximately 60 families in the Luanda community!

In addition to the COVID-19 crisis, due to effects of the rainy season in Kenya normal water supplies for the community are polluted, severely limiting access to clean drinking water. MCCH has been able to share safe, clean drinking water with the community from the school's newly constructed well!
The heart of MCCH's founder and Kenyan leadership team has always been to serve the community that MCCH calls home, pointing others to the true source of Living Water, Jesus Christ (John 7:37-38)!

Before the pandemic began, MCCH hosted a weekly Sunday School program for children in the Luanda community. On Sunday afternoons, children from Luanda would enter into the MCCH compound for a time of praise and worship, Bible study, snacks, and games. When the COVID crisis occurred, weekly Sunday gatherings could no longer take place, but the desire to interact with and encourage their friends in the community remained on the hearts of Mescal's kids.
Each Sunday afternoon, Mescal's kids continue to spend time talking, singing, and praying with their community friends along the fence line surrounding the compound. Founder and Director, Ruth Owuor, made each child a mask to wear during these gatherings and has taught the children about the importance of maintaining proper distance for the safety of themselves and their friends.

We praise the Lord for the way He is shaping the hearts of Mescal's kids to value and care for the friends God has given them from the Lunda community!