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Updated: Jul 7, 2020

Christmas at Mescal's Children's Center of Hope in Luanda, Kenya, is a joyous time of celebration. Many, many thanks go to the sponsors that send Christmas cards to the children and donate so that Ruth Owuor, founder and director, can purchase gifts for the children.

But, Mescal's Kids don't just "receive." Families that live around MCCH are invited into the compound for a wonderful meal and Christmas program. Also invited are the families in the new Guardianship program and the famlilies of Mescal's Kids who live at the center. The children sing and share the story of Christmas

and it is a beautiful gift to the community.

While Christmas there is much simpler than typical celebrations in our country, it is unmatched in joy at the Savior's birth . . . .and, in His faithful provision for His children in Kenya.

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