A very special day is being planned for the grand opening of the new buildings at MCCH on April 14, 2016. A large community gathering is expected and it will be a glorious day of celebration and worship of our Jehovah Jireh, who provided "exceeding, abundantly beyond" all that we expected or dreamed!
Ruth Owuor, founder and executive director, says that Mescal's Kids will be leading the celebration, in song and the giving of testimonies.
Also, a mission team from here will be traveling there to be a part of the worship and celebration. The team will be led by Anita Colley, Executive Director of Project 82, a sister orphan care ministry near MCCH in Kenya. After the grand opening, the team will be visiting Project 82 and gathering many ideas and much help from their ministry.

Mission Team Members: Anita Colley, Project 82; Charlotte Robertson, MCCH; and Brandon Dasinger, Missions and Teaching Pastor, Frazer Memorial UMC, Montgomery, Alabama