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1,000 Families Served Through the Feeding Program!
Pictured: Images from a food distribution conducted June 14, 2023, on the MCCH compound Because of the Lord’s provision through faithful...

Better Together: Needs Met in the Name of Jesus
MCCH founder and Executive Director Ruth Owuor, recently shared with our USA team that she has never seen such high levels of hunger in...

Congratulations, Graduates and Eighth Graders!
2022 has held many milestones for our MCCH family in Kenya! We're so proud of MCCH's recent graduates, Dr. Steven Owuor and Noreen Kuya,...

Noreen's Story
As we begin a new year, there's no better time to reestablish what the mission of MCCH will always be. Over 12 years ago, one vulnerable...

What's New with Mescal's Christian Academy?
As you can see from the pictures below, we're ready to transport students safely and in style with the newly-painted Mescal's Christian...

A Family Wedding!
We praise the Lord for a wonderful wedding that took place on February 25th, 2021, in Kisumu, Kenya. MCCH Assistant Director, Steven...

Christmas at MCCH
December 23rd, 2020, will be a day to remember in the Luanda community! Each year, MCCH hosts a community- wide Christmas party, inviting...

Belinda's Story
In June 2017, Belinda's husband passed away tragically, leaving her to raise 4 children on her own. In her words, she shares about the...

Sylvia's Story
Sylvia is a 20-year-old young woman who has been part of the MCCH family since she was a young girl. Sylvia is compassionate,...

Richard's Story
Meet Richard, a young man who is intelligent, hard-working, and loving. At the age of 14, both of Richard's parents passed away, leaving...

A Call to Prayer for Kenya
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 The heading in the ESV Study Bible titles this section of...

Ground Breaking for the New School!
When a mission team visited MCCH in June, 2018, a ground breaking ceremony was held for the new school. Community leaders attended and...

New Planned Primary School
Our capable and dedicated Kenyan MCCH board of directors are passionate about reaching out to the economically vulnerable in the Luanda...

Christmas at Mescal's Children's Center of Hope in Luanda, Kenya, is a joyous time of celebration. Many, many thanks go to the sponsors...

"A LOOK BACK . . . . "
MCCH incorporated and received non-profit 501c3 status at the end of 2012. At that time MCCH served 30 children and had 4 staff members....

Charles Stanley's Gift of "Messengers"
Charles Stanley's In Touch ministry provides "Messengers," solar-powered devices, for countries all over the world. Recorded on the...

Proposed New Christian School
At a recent visit to MCCH, team members’ hearts were burdened for the economically and academically vulnerable children in the community...

Kenya will be having elections on August 8, 2017. In 2008, there was much upheaval and violence surrounding the elections and there is...
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